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The Quality Management System is elaborated, introduced, approved and ever-upgrading at LLC “STANKOTEKHNIKA”for the purpose of quality assurance in every product life cycle “marketing – designing – manufacturing – servicing”.
The effectiveness of the current Quality Management System is based on   provisions of the international and Russian standards GOST P ИCO 9001-2001 (ИСО 9001-2000) and validated by the Certificate of Conformity issued as a result of audit performed by the quality control authorities.
The Certificate of Conformity for Quality Management System No. РООС.RU.ИС27.К00048.
Date of registration:  27.04.2009
Date of issue: 27.04.2009
Date of validity: 27.04.2012
The operating Quality Management System made it possible to certify the manufactured products in the system of obligatory certification GOST P.
The Certificate of Conformity for blowout equipment No. РОСС.RU.АИ50.В01491.
Validity period: 28.09.2006 – 27.09.2009
The Certificate of Conformity for hydraulic power tongs No. РОСС.RU.АИ50.В01620.
Validity period: 12.10.2006 – 11.10.2009 
The equipment produced has got the Authorization for Use issued by the Federal Inspectorate for ecological, engineering and atomic supervision.
The Authorization for Use of blowout equipment No.  РРС 00-23725.
Date of issue: 06.03.2007
Validity period: up to 06.03.2010
The Authorization for Use of hydraulic power tongs No.  РРС 00-24218.
Date of issue: 20.04.2007
Validity period: up to 20.04.2010
Россия, 300002, г. Тула, ул. Мосина, 2
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2009 © ОАО "Станкотехника"